Abrahamsson Softies – Classic, Mini and M softies – Classic and Mini -US$ 25 each+ airmail + paypal fee
Please contact for details on availability 0f Abrahamsson Softreleases, Rapidwinders and Rapidgrips at e-mail below
Remembering Tom Abrahamsson by Leica International Society pls click https://lhsa.org/2017/02/remembering-tom-abrahamsson/
Commemorative Tom A Softies – 100 with regular thread (all sold now) and 100 with typ 240 thread were made in 2017.In 1997 Tom wrote some notes on film and paper developers. If you would like a copy of the notes, the 21 page pdf file is available here.
More developer recipes to come soon.
Tom’s Developers Tom’s Developers
the commemorative Tom A Softie
100 Classic Abrahamsson Softies
100 M-Classic Abrahamsson Softies